Browse Collections (15 total)

TRACE Archive


The microcomputer hobby movement in Canada had begun soon after the first computer clubs and groups were formed in the U.S. It was a part of the…

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IBM Collection

The IBM collection consists of technical documents published by IBM to support its mainframe computers as well as data processing and accounting…

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Microsystems International Limited (MIL) Collection


In October of 1968, with $48 million package from the Canadian Treasury Board, Northern Electric transformed its Advanced Devices Center into a new…

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Dynalogic Collection


Dynalogic Corporation was among the first Canadian microcomputer manufacturers. Founded by C. Murray Bell in 1973 in Ottawa, it initially focused on…

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NABU Network Collection


The NABU Network was designed and implemented by an Ottawa-based company NABU Manufacturing between 1981 and 1983. The underlying idea behind the…

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