

To fulfill its mission, YUCoM builds its collections by accepting artifact donations from individuals as well as from institutions and organizations.

Although some of our collections are unparalleled anywhere in Canada, new donations continuously enhance the quality of YUCoM's collections, hence makeing it possible to fuller represent and document computing history in Canada.

A Guide to Donating Artifacts to YUCoM

We appreciate your support of YUCoM's efforts to preserve and showcase Canada's computing and information technology heritage.

If you would like to contribute a story, a copy of a document, or a digital image, then please do so by selecting "Contribute an Item" from the site's navigation menu.

If you are considering making a donation of a physical artifact, please contact YUCoM and provide as much information about the object as possible. Information such as the object's model, name or title, the manufacturer or publisher, the purpose of use and ownership history, are of great help to assist the curator in his/her assessment of relevance of the proposed donation to  YUCOM's collecting objectives. When YUCoM is interested in your donation, the arrangements are made to transfer the ownership of the donated object to York University. Such a transfer of ownership is formalized by completing and signing a gift agreement.

Upon the completion of the ownership transfer,  the donated object becomes the property of York University that YUCoM will preserve, maintain, administer, and which the museum may display, loan, or otherwise deal with in such a manner as YUCoM may deem to be in its best interest. 

When YUCoM exhibits your donated object your donation will be acknowledged in accordance with the standard policies and practices adopted by other Canadian museums.