APL Collection
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The origin of the APL programming language is Kenneth Iverson's mathematical notation that he developed in the late 1950s and subsequently published in 1962 in his seminal work A Programming Language. While at IBM, Iverson converted his notation into a programming language (to be known as APL) with the help of Philip Abrams, Lawrence Breed, Adin Falkoff, Dick Lathwell, and Roger Moore. The first implementation of APL was released by IBM in 1965. In the 1970s, APL conferences and meetings, publications and APL interest groups, as well as "I Like APL" stickers and buttons, T-shirts and songs, transformed the initial curiosity about APL into an unprecedented cultural phenomenon.
RB: items donated by Robert Bernecky
RPr: material donated by Richard Procter
PH: items donated by Peter Henderson
KI: items donated by Kenneth Iverson
WK: items donated by William Kindree
RP: items donated by Roland Pesch
RPr: items donated by Richard Proctor
GR: items donated by Gord Ramer
E2: items donated by Edward Edwards estate
KK: items donated by Kathy Knight
RP: items donated by Elliot Russell
DM: items donated by David Markwick
ZS: items donated by Zbigniew Stachniak
RISL: Reuters Information Services (Canada) Limited
SAL: Soliton Associates Limited
DH, PHa: items donated by David Hosier and Paul Hansuld
- SAPL370, IPSA [RB]
- SHARP APL/PCX ver. 1, SHARP APL Release 17, IPSA, 1985 (three 5.25" diskettes). [RB]
- SHARP APL/PC ver. 1, SHARP APL Release 17, IPSA, 1985 (two 5.25" diskettes). [RB]
- TRYAPL2, IBM (1989) (one 5.25" diskette). [ER]
- HP 3000 Series II Computer System: APL\3000 Reference Manual, Hewlett Packard (September 1976). [E2]
- Harris APL Reference Card, Harris Computer Systems (December 1978).[E2]
- APL.68000 Reference Card, The Computer Company, Micro APL Systems (October 1981).[E2]
- APL*MYRIADE Reference Card, Oliver Ouellet & Morin (1982).[E2]
- AP747, ODBC Auxiliary Processor for Dyalog APL/W Reference Manual, ver. 1.1, Lingo Allegro USA, Inc. (1999).
- 3.0 Reference Manual, APL+Win, APL2000 Inc. (1999). [DH, PHa]
- 3.5 Update Manual, APL+Win, APL2000 Inc. (1999). [DH, PHa]
- A.D. Falkoff, K.E. Iverson, and E.H. Sussenguth, A Formal Description of SYSTEM/360, IBM Systems Journal vol. 3, no. 3, (1964), pp. 198--262. [KK]
- R.H. Lathwell and J.E. Mezei, A Formal Description of APL, IBM Philadelphia Scientific Center Technical Report no. 320-3008 (November 1971). [WK]
- APL\360-OS and APL\s60-DOS User's Manual, Program Product, 5734-XM6(OS) and 5736-XM6(DOS), IBM (1973). [DM]
- APL Shared Variables (APLSV), Design Objectives, program number 5799-AJF, Programming RPQ #WE1191, IBM (1973). [WK]
- K.E. Iverson, A Programming Language, John Wiley and Sons, New York, London (1962). [WK]
- K.E. Iverson, Operators and Functions, IBM Research Report RC 7091, #30399 (26 April, 1978). [WK]
- The Analogic APL Machine (preliminary), Analogic (1983). [WK]
- APL System Manual: Shared Variables, DOSX, ACOM, FSCR, Iverson Software (1991). [ZS]
- Status of J, Iverson Software (199?). [ER]
- J ver. 1 (software), Iverson Software (July 9, 1990). [RB]
- R. Hui, J Implementation Status (version 2.8) (14 Nov., 1990). [ER]
- J for the Atari ST: Installation and Start-Up Procedure, Iverson Software (30 Nov., 1990). [ER]
- Iverson Software Inc. Company Overview (26 Feb., 1991) [ER]
- Iverson Software Inc. News, issues: February 1991, April 1992 [ER], and October 1992 [KI]
- APLI386, Iverson Software (24 November, 1991). [KI]
- APLIWIN, Iverson Software (24 November 1991). [KI]
- APLI386, Iverson Software (2 April, 1992). [ZS]
- APLI386, (software) Iverson Software (24 Nov., 1991). [ZS]
- ISIAPL03 (software), Iverson Software (1991). [RB]
- ISIAPL04.DOC, Iverson Software (30 March, 1991). [RB]
- ISIAPL04 (software), Iverson Software (1991). [RB]
- APLI386 (software), Iverson Software (1992). [ZS]
- J-PC386 (software), Iverson Software (1992). [ZS]
- Iverson Software Product Catalogs: February 1991 and April 1992. [ER]
- APLWIN (software), Iverson Software (24 Nov. 1991). [ZS]
- APLWIN (software), Iverson Software (1994). [ZS]
- Iverson Software Inc. Catalog (January, 1993). [ZS]
- MAILBOX. Steward's Guide, Version 9.3 Update, SAL (1993).
- MAILBOX. Installation Guide, Version 9.3 Update, SAL (1993).
- VIEWPOINT 2.3.2. Instruction Sheet, SAL (May 1993).
- Soliton News releases: Toronto, May 1993; Toronto, July 19, 1993; Toronto, August 16, 1993.
- Soliton Associates, company information, Soliton (19??). [PH]
- SHARP APL, Put the power to work for you, promotional document), Soliton (19??). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. MVSLink 1.5 Installation Guide, SAL (1994).
- SHARP APL for MVS. MVSLink 1.5 Configuration, Operation, and Maintenance Guide, SAL (1994).
- SHARP APL for MVS. Guide for APL Programmers, Version 21, SAL (1994).
- SHARP APL for MVS. IMVS 1.0. Configuration, Operation, and Maintenance Guide. Version 21, SAL (1994).
- SHARP APL for MVS. Internal and Operational Changes, Version 21, SAL (1994).
- SHARP APL for MVS. QMSF 1.0. Configuration, Operation, and Maintenance Guide., SAL (1994).
- SHARP APL for MVS. System Administrator's Guide, Version 21, SAL (1994). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. System Maintenance Guide, Version 21, SAL (1994). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. Utilities Manual, Version 21, SAL (1994). [PH]
- SHARP APL 370, SHARP APL/PC, Pocket Reference, Pocket Reference, Soliton (1994). [PH]
- Document Interchange System. Upgrade Instructions, Soliton (1994). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. Application Software Products Installation Instruction, SAL (1995) [PH].
- SHARP APL for MVS. File System Update, Version 21.2, SAL (1995).
- SHARP APL for MVS. Performance Package Upgrade Guide, SAL (1995).
- SHARP APL for MVS. Performance Package, Internal and Operational Changes, SAL (1995).
- SHARP APL Connectivity. NSVP User's Guide, MVS Version, UNIX Version, SAL (1995). [PH]
- Socket Client Library: System Administrator's Guide, SAL (199?).
- Socket Interface User's Guide, v. 1.1, SAL (1995).
- MAILBOX/3270. User's Guide, ver. 2.2, SAL (1995).
- MAILBOX/3270. Installation Guide, ver. 2.2, SAL (1995).
- MAILBOX/3270. Summary of Changes, ver. 2.2, SAL (1995).
- SHARP APL for MVS. ATH/F User's Guide, ver. 1.1, Soliton (1996). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. Interface to MVS JES, Configuration, Operation, and Maintenance Guide, ver. 22, Soliton (1997). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. NSVP. User Guide, ver. 1.4, Soliton (1997). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. NSVP LU6.2 Device Driver Installation Guide, ver. 1.4, Soliton (1997). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. NsvpX Installation Guide, ver. 2.4, Soliton (1997). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. NSVP. Configuration, Operation, and Maintenance, ver. 1.4, Soliton (1997). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. System Maintenance Guide, Version 22, SAL (1997). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. SysScan:Inventory User's Guide, ver. 1.5, SAL (1997). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. Upgrade Guide, ver. 22, Soliton (1997). [PH]
- SHARP APL 370, SHARP APL/PC, Pocket Reference, Pocket Reference, Soliton (1996). [PH]
- ViewPoint, Administrator's Guide, Soliton (1996). [PH]
- Document Interchange System. Upgrade Guide, ver. 1.2, Soliton (1996). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. CONH. Configuration, Operation, and Maintenance, ver. 2.0, SAL (1998). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. CONH. Upgrade Guide, ver. 2.0, SAL (1998). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. System Administrator's Guide, ver. 22, SAL (1998). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. TSIO User's Guide, ver. 2.0, SAL (1998). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. TSIO Upgrade Guide, ver. 2.0, SAL (1998). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. AVAM Upgrade Guide, ver. 2.0, SAL (1999). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. AVAM Configuration, Operation, and Maintenance, ver. 2.0, SAL (1998). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. Socket Interface Installation Guide, ver. 2.0, SAL (1999). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. Socket Interface User's Guide, ver. 2.0, SAL (1999). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. Socket Interface Upgrade Guide, ver. 2.0, SAL (1999). [PH]
- SHARP APL for MVS. Socket Interface Configuration, Operation, and Maintenance, ver. 2.0, SAL (1999). [PH]
- Mike Symes, SHARP APL Socket Server Manager (SSM), SAL(?) (1 November, 1998).
- Mike Symes, The HTTP server, SAL(?), (13 November, 1998).
- SHARP APL for MVS. BSCD Upgrade Guide, ver. 2.0, SAL (1999). [PH]
- SHARP APL for VMS, Supervisory Manual, SAL (1999).
- REMOVE(?) SHARP APL, Socket Client Library, User's Guide, SAL (2000). [PH]
- SHARP APL, Socket Client Library, System Administrator's Guide, SAL (2000). [PH]
- Auxiliary Processors Manual (Revised Contents), SHARP APL for MVS, SAL (2000). [PH]
- SHARP APL for OS/390. APLMON User's Guide, ver. 3.3, SAL (2000). [PH]
- SHARP APL for OS/390. Batch Task User's Guide, ver. 23, SAL (2000). [PH]
- REMOVE SHARP APL for OS/390. Messages and Codes, ver. 23, SAL (2000). [PH]
- SHARP APL for OS/390. NSVP TCP/IP Device Driver Installation Guide, SAL (2000). [PH]
- SHARP APL for OS/390. SHARP APL Telnet Server. Configuration, Operation, and Maintenance , ver. 1.0, SAL (2000). [PH]
- SHARP APL for OS/390. System Maintenance Guide, ver. 23, SAL (2000). [PH]
- SHARP APL for OS/390. System Administrator's Guide, ver. 23, SAL (2000). [PH]
- SHARP APL for OS/390. SVP Configuration, Operation and Maintenance, ver. 3.0, SAL (2000). [PH]
- SHARP APL for OS/390. Usage Inquiry System User's Guide, ver. 23, SAL (2000). [PH]
- SHARP APL for OS/390. Utilities Manual, ver. 23, SAL (2000). [PH]
- SHARP APL for OS/390. Pocket Reference , SAL (2000). [RPr]
- SHARP APL for OS/390. MAILBOX Upgrade Guide, ver. 9.4, SAL (2000). [PH]
- SHARP APL for Unix, ver. 6, Soliton (2000). [PH]
- SHARP APL for Unix, Upgrade Guide, version 6.0, SAL (2000). [RPr]
- SHARP APL for Unix, Intrinsic Functions Manual, File System Manual, Auxiliary Processors Manual, Shared Variable Manual, ver. 6, Soliton (2000). [PH]
- SHARP APL for Unix, Handbook/em>, ver. 6, Soliton (2000). [PH]
- SHARP APL for Unix, Language Guide, ver. 6, Soliton (2000). [PH]
- SHARP APL for OS/390, Pocket Reference, Soliton (2000). [PH]
- SHARP APL for OS/390, Socket Client Library, User's Guide, ver. 1.1 SAL (2001). [PH]
- SHARP APL for OS/390. Internal and Operational Changes, ver. 23. Soliton (2001). [PH]
- SHARP APL for OS/390. V23 Documentation, (CD Rom, corrupted?). Soliton (2001). [PH]
- SHARP APL for OS/390, V23 Documentation (and other current non-V23 documentation) (CD Rom). Soliton (2001-2015). [PH]
- SHARP APL for OS/390. Upgrade Guide, ver. 23. Soliton (2001). [PH]
- Messages and Codes, ver. 23. Soliton (2001). [PH]
- REMOVE ?? SHARP APL for MVS. Guide for APL Programmers, Version 21 SAL (2001).
- ViewPoint for Unix, ver. 1.2 (CD Rom), Soliton (2001). [PH]
- APL*PLUS/PC Programmer's Reference Manual, release 1, C.L. Kiernan and D. Michelson (eds), STSC Inc. (1982). [ZS]
- APL*PLUS/PC Application Development System, Additions and Corrections to the Documentation, version 2, STSC Inc. (December 28, 1982).[ZS]
- APL*PLUS/PC Application Development System, Additions and Corrections to the Documentation, version 2.6, STSC Inc. (March 14, 1983). [ZS]
- APL*PLUS/PC System, Programmer's Manual, C.L. Kiernan, D. Michelson, and J.M. Spencer (eds), STSC Inc. (1983). [ZS]
- APL*PLUS System for PC, Programmer's Manual, STSC (1987). [DH, PHa]
- APL*PLUS/PC System, Installation Manual, C.L. Kiernan, D. Michelson, and J.R. Turner (eds), STSC Inc. (1983) (includes APL*PLUS/PC software). [ZS]
- APL*PLUS/PC System, Formatting User's Guide, C.L. Kiernan, D. Michelson, and J.M. Spenser (eds), STSC Inc. (1983).
- A Personal Language, The APL*PLUS, System and You, STSC Inc. (1986). [ZS]
- Ch.H. Lee, APL*PLUS System for PC, Quick Reference Guide, STSC (1988). [PH]
- APL*PLUS System for PC, Reference Manual, STSC (1987). [DH, PHa]
- APL*PLUS II/386 Quick Reference Guide, ver. 5, Manugistics (1992). [DH, PHa]
- APL*PLUS System for PC, Getting Started, STSC (1987). [DH, PHa]
- APL*PLUS System for PC, File System Tutorial, STSC (1987). [DH, PHa]
- APL*PLUS System for PC, Formating Tutorial, STSC (1987). [DH, PHa]
- APL*PLUS System for PC, Editors Tutorial, STSC (1987). [DH, PHa]
- APL*PLUS System for PC, Graphics Tutorial, STSC (1987). [DH, PHa]
- APL*PLUS System for PC, Screen Development Tutorial, STSC (1987). [DH, PHa]
- APL*PLUS System for PC, User's Guide, STSC (1987). [DH, PHa]
- QPACK, SHARP APL Packages for use with APL-LAB/PC or STSC APL*PLUS/PC, Product 341, IPSA (1987). [DH, PHa]
- J.A. Brown, The Principles of APL2, Technical Report TR 03.247, Santa Teresa Laboratory, San Jose, CA (March 1984). [DH, PHa]
- APL2, IBM (1984). [E2]
- Workstation APL2 for Multiplatforms, ver. 2.0, product announcement, IBM (October 2002). [ZS]
- Workstation APL2 for Mainframes, ver. 2.0, release 2, product announcement, IBM (October 2002). [ZS]
- J.A. Brown, S. Pakin, and R.P. Polivka, APL2 At a Glance, Prentice Hall (1988).
- Today's APL2, IBM (1 September, 1994). [DH, PHa]
- APL2 Installed User Program, IBM (1982).[E2]
- IBM Announces APL2 for the RISC System/6000, IBM promotional brochure (September 1991). [DH, PHa]
- Toronto APL SIG Newsletter, Issue 6 (March 1991) [ER]; issue 9 (June 1993) [DH, PHa].
- Toronto APL SIG Membership List (January 1992) [ER]
- Toronto APL SIG Quiz (199?) [ER]
- Gimme Arrays! newsletter for the Toronto Local Chapter of the ACM Special Interest Group on APL, vol. 1, no. 2 (October 1993) [DH, PHa.
- L.M Breed and R.H. Lathwell, The Implementation of APL\360, in Proc. of the ACM Symposium on Experimental Systems for Interactive Applied Mathematics, ACM (1967). [E2]
- J.A. Brown, A Generalization of APL, PhD thesis, Syracuse University (September 1971).
- P. Berry, APL\360 Primer, IBM GH20-0689-2 (1971). [RP]
- E. M. Edwards and W.R. Tinga, An APL Complex Arithmetic Package, Electrical Engineering Dep. technical report, U. of Alberta, October 1970. [WK]
- E.M. Edwards, Easy as APL 01: An Introduction to APL, Computing Science Dept. technical report, Simon Fraser University (1979). [E2]
- R.K.W. Hui, An Implementation of J, Iverson Software (1992). [RB]
- A.D. Falkoff and K.E. Iverson, Communication in APL Systems, IBM Philadelphia Scientific Center, Tech Report No. 320-3022 (May 1973). [WK]
- A.D. Falkoff and K.E. Iverson, The Design of APL, J. Res. Develop., IBM, (July 1973). [WK]
- A.D. Falkoff and K.E. Iverson, TSIO Reference Manual, APL Shared Variable System, IBM Philadelphia Scientific Center (1973). [WK]
- A.D. Falkoff and K.E. Iverson, APLSV User's Manual, APL Shared Variable System, IBM Philadelphia Scientific Center (1973). [WK]
- L. Gilman and A.J. Rose, APL\360, An Interactive Approach, John Wiley & Sons (1970). [WK]
- IBM Journal of research and development, vol. 17 no. 4 (July 1973). [York]
- Finn APL Pocket Idiom Library, Finish APL Association, Helsinki (1982). [RPr]
- Studies in APL: Algebra, Scan, Arithmetic, Permutations, IBM Tech. Report no. 320-3023 (June 1973). [RP]
- K.E. Iverson, ALGEBRA: An Algorithmic Treatment, Addison-Wesley Publishing, Co. (1972). [DH, PHa]
- K.E. Iverson, Introducing APL to Teachers, IBM Philadelphia Scientific Center, Tech Report No. 320-3014 (July 1972). [WK]
- K.E. Iverson, APL as an Analytical Notation, IBM Philadelphia Scientific Center (1973). [WK]
- K.E. Iverson, Elementary Analysis, APL Press (1976). [RP]
- K.E. Iverson, APL in Exposition, APL Press (1976). [DH, PHa]
- K.E. Iverson, A Commentary on APL Development, publisher unknown (1988). [RP]
- K.E. Iverson, Tangible Math: SHARP APL/IBM PC Version, Iverson Software, (September 1989). [ZS]
- K.E. Iverson, ISI Dictionary of J, Iverson Software (1991). [RP]
- K.E. Iverson, An Introduction to J, Iverson Software (1992). [RP]
- K.E. Iverson, J Introduction & Dictionary, Iverson Software (1993). [RB]
- K.E. Iverson, APL Reference Manual, Iverson Software, Soliton Associates Ltd. (1993). [RB]
- K.E. Iverson, Notation as a Tool of Thought, 1979 ACM Turing Award Lecture, Communications of the ACM, vol. 23 (August 1980).
- K.E. Iverson, A personal view of APL, IBM Systems Journal, vol. 30 no 4 (1991). [KI]
- E. McDonnell, At Play with J, The complete Vector articles,
Vector Books (2009). [RB] - Programming Language APL, second draft proposal, L.A. Morrow (ed), International Standards Organization, document nr. ISO TC97/SC5 N811 DP-8485 (20 March, 1985). [E2]
- E. Presutto, The York APL Command Processor for TSO, (197?). [ZS]
- M. Smyth, York APL, Ryerson Polytechnic Institute, Toronto (1972). [GR]
- APL Quote Quad, ACM
holdings: vol. 1, no. 4 (1970) to vol. 3, no. 4 (1972) [E2]; vol. 6 (1975) -- vol. 8 (1978) [WK]; vol. 9 (1978) -- vol. 12 (1982); vol. 13 (1982) -- vol. 21, no. 2 (1990) [RP]; vol. 21, no. 2 (December 1990) -- Vol. 22, no. 2 (December 1991) [RPr]; vol. 23, no. 2 (December 1992) [RP]. - The 1989 ACM SIGAPL Index of APL Articles, APL Quote Quad (1990). [RP]
- The 1990 ACM SIGAPL Index of APL Articles, APL Quote Quad (1991). [RP]
- SHARE*APL\360 Newsletter, no 1, G.H. Foster (ed) (April 1969) [E2].
- The APL Interpreter, The Computer Company; issues: Summer 1982 [E2] and Spring 1983 [GR].
- APL Market News; holdings: issue 9 (1982); vol. 17 nr. 2 (1985).[E2]
- APL News (formerly APL Market News), Springer; holdings: issue 13, 14 (1983), Southwater Corp; vol. 17, no. 1--3 (1985); vol. 18, no. 1, 2, 4 (1986); vol. 19, no. 1--4 (1987); vol. 20, no. 1--3 (1988); vol. 21, no. 1--3 (1989); vol. 22, no. 2, 3 (1990); vol. 23, no. 1 (1991), Springer International.
- APL News, APL Press; holdings: no. 11 (1976) and 7 (1978) [WK]; no. 8 (April 1982).
- APL*PLUS Service News, STSC, Inc.; holdings: vol. 6, issue 2 (April-June 1982).[E2]
- Toronto APL SIG Newsletter, Issue 6 (March 1991) [ER]
- ISI News, (April 1992). [ER]
- Total Solution APL: New APL software and CRT terminal for HP 3000 Series II Computer, Hewlett Packard (September 1976). [E2]
- APL Display Station (Preliminary), Hewlett Packard (September 1976). [E2]
- APL\3000 Language Subsystem, Hewlett Packard (October 1976). [E2]
- APL*Myriade, Oliver Ouellet and Morin Inc. (1982). [E2]
- SPECTRUM: A 16-BIT APL Microcomputer using the Motorola 68000, MicroAPL Ltd. (198?). [E2]
- VIZ::APL, product announcement and price list, APL Inner Product Ltd. (198?). [E2]
- A Programming Language (APL), Burroughs announcement of its APL/700 for the B6700 and B7700 systems (197?). [WK]
- Scorpion, the World's First Fully Portable 16-bit APL Microcomputer, Micro APL (1982). [E2]
- The APL Machine: The High Performance APL Computer, Analogic Corp. (1983). [E2]
- APL2000 Rapid Application Development, APL2000 Inc. (199?). [ZS]
- APL.68000 Microcomputer Interpreter, ver. 3.2, The Computer Company (April 1983). [GR]
- TIS-APL: the only alternative, TIS-APL promotional materials, Telecompute Integrated Systems Inc. (198?). [ZS]
- Proceedings of the APL Conference, York University, January 27, 1972. [DH, PHa]
- APL Comparison Chart, Harris Computer Systems (March 30, 1981). [E2]
- A December 5, 1996 letter from Prof. P. Medow to Senate Sub-Committee on Honorary Degrees and Ceremonials, York University, regarding Kenneth Iverson's honorary doctorate.
- APL Twenty-fifth Anniversary, IBM Systems Jpurnal, vol. 30, no 4. (1991). [DH, PHa]
Collection Items
APL Blossom Time
From Smart Arays
"APL Blossom Time was written by Mike…