kobo eReader
Dublin Core
kobo eReader
The first Kobo ereader introduced in May 2010.
The device was a compact, lightweight, and affordable ereader with Bluetooth connectivity allowing for short-range cable-free transfers of eBooks, newspapers, and magazines to the device. The eReader also offered a USB connection to PCs for updates. The device was shipped with 100 free ebooks pre-loaded (over 2 million additional items were available from the Kobo Store).
The device was a compact, lightweight, and affordable ereader with Bluetooth connectivity allowing for short-range cable-free transfers of eBooks, newspapers, and magazines to the device. The eReader also offered a USB connection to PCs for updates. The device was shipped with 100 free ebooks pre-loaded (over 2 million additional items were available from the Kobo Store).
- display: 6-inch E Ink display with 8 level grayscale; 600x800 resolution
- display formats: ePub and PDF
- fonts: 5 font sizes and two types: Georgia (serif) and Trebuchet (sans-serif)
- processor: Freescale Semiconductor (?)
- memory: 1 GB; SD card slot up to 4 GB
- storage capacity: up to 1000 eBooks
- connectivity: USB and Bluetooth (with selected smartphones and tablets)
- battery life: up to 8,000 page turns (approx. 2 weeks)
- dimensions: 120mm x 184mm x 10mm.
- weight: 221g
Kobo Inc., 82 Peter Street, Toronto, ON
2010 --
Kobo Inc., 82 Peter Street, Toronto, ON, “kobo eReader,” York University Computer Museum Canada, accessed January 19, 2025, https://museum.eecs.yorku.ca/items/show/322.